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苏州大学   软件学院 教授 程宝雷.png

Prof. Baolei Cheng

Soochow University

School of Software

Dr. Baolei Cheng, a male professor and Ph.D. supervisor, is a senior member of the China Computer Federation (CCF) and a member of the CCF Theoretical Computer Science Specialized Committee. After obtaining his Master's degree in 2004, he joined the School of Computer Science and Technology at Soochow University. He earned his Ph.D. in Engineering in 2014. From December 2014 to December 2015, he was a state-appointed visiting scholar at Montclair State University, where he engaged in academic exchanges. Dr. Cheng has led and participated in the completion of more than 10 projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation. He primarily focuses on research in the areas of fault-tolerant computing, graph theory, and algorithm design and analysis. He has authored over 30 papers published in prominent journals such as IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), ACM Computing Surveys (ACM Comput. Surv.), Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Information Sciences (Inform. Sci.), Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), The Computer Journal (Comput. J.), Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM), among other SCI-indexed journals. Additionally, he has presented his work at various national and international academic conferences, including ICA3PP, NPC, and ASAP. His accolades include the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of Jiangsu Province, the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Nanjing Chapter of ACM, and the Outstanding Natural Science Dissertation Award of Suzhou City.​


Prof. Hu Zhu

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

School of Communication and Information Engineering

Hu Zhu currently holds a professorship at the School of Communication and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, affiliated with the Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Image Processing and Transmission. His primary research interests lie in the domains of artificial intelligence and computer vision. He has authored numerous high-quality articles, all of which have been published in IEEE Transactions series journals. Additionally, he has developed a range of intelligent computational imaging devices for practical applications. His contributions have significantly advanced the development of industry, academia, and research in these fields.

苏州大学   软件学院 教授 程宝雷.png

Prof.  Baolei Cheng

Soochow University

School of Software

Baolei Cheng, male, Ph.D., professor, Ph.D. supervisor, senior member of CCF, member of CCF Theoretical Computer Science Specialized Committee.After graduating from Master's Degree in 2004, he joined the School of Computer Science and Technology of Soochow University, and received his Ph.D. degree of Engineering in 2014.From December 2014 to December 2015, he went to Montclair State University as a state-appointed visiting scholar for academic exchanges. University for academic exchange. She has presided over and participated in the completion of more than 10 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), provincial and ministerial level projects, and municipal and municipal level projects. He is mainly engaged in the research work in the fields of fault-tolerant computing, graph theory, algorithm design and analysis. He has published more than 30 papers in TC, TPDS, ACM Comput. Surv., JPDC, TCS, Inform. Sci., FGCS, Comput. J., DAM and other SCI source journals, as well as domestic and international academic conferences, such as ICA3PP, NPC, ASAP, etc.; he has received the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Jiangsu Province, the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Nanjing Chapter of ACM, and the Outstanding Natural Science Dissertation of Suzhou City. D. thesis, excellent thesis in natural science of Suzhou City, etc.; guided undergraduate students to win the first and third prizes of excellent thesis of undergraduates in Jiangsu Province; guided undergraduate students to complete a national-level project (with excellent finalization).

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